Yearly Archives: 2013

『Participation Through the Camera in the Hong Kong Choi Yuen Village』 Cheung Tit Leung

Benny Chan Yin Kai’s Raging Land 3 : Three Valleys (2011) can be interpreted as the Hong Kong version of Shinsuke Ogawa’s Sanrizuka series of films about the struggle of villagers against the efforts of the Japanese government to evict them from their homes in the name of urban transportation development. Something similar happened in 21st-century cosmopolitan Hong Kong. However, in the chaotic field of the battle between the police and the villagers depicted in Chan’s film, sometimes you can hardly see the villagers. It’s like a war between egg and stone: a few villagers can be surrounded by twenty or more policeman, in a ratio of ten to one, maybe. And we can’t actually call it a battle, because the villagers are willing to leave the village and allow the government to construct a railway in the name of connecting the Great China. The conflict was initiated by the government by evicting the villagers before they have settled down in, or even built, their new houses.

Chronicling the progress of the incident of Choi Yuen village in Hong Kong, director Chan produced a series of films starting in 2008. In the third episode in the series, Chan portrays the latest stage of this endless “battle” (as it is described in a subtitle) in an epic length of five hours, dealing not just with the villagers’ struggle against the police, but also with their internal conflict over the planning of their new homes. Throughout this documentation, Chan shows the villagers and the battles at a close distance. Instead of using wide and long shots, Chan stays close to the villagers with medium shots. The iron wire in the “battlefield” scene can be seen as just a few centimeters to the camera. That is simply because Chan is one of the participants in the whole incident, where groups with different social concerns join forces together to actively support the villagers in opposing the injustice of the Hong Kong government.

Raging Land 3 : Three Valleys is a participatory documentary, made in a manner similar to the active present of Ogawa in the Sanrizuka series. Chan does not hesitate to chat with the villagers from behind the camera. Casual questions and greetings form a continuous communication between Chan and the villagers, simply because everyone who supports the villagers is indeed part of the village.

Raging Land 3 : Three Valleys does not consist of a lot of action scenes; what you will find here instead is a documentation of the oppression of the less powerful people, the aged and farmers. The film is calling for an awareness of the injustice, or even inhumanity, behind the so-called lawful project of the Hong Kong government. In one scene, the protestors occupy a bulldozer and a song is sung. The song is the Chinese version of the famous revolutionary theme song, “Do you hear the people sing?”, which contains the lyric, “look at the people hand in hand, fighting for justice and freedom”. Raging Land 3 : Three Valleys is a film inviting your alliance of hands.

New Asian Currents Talk Photos 10/11/2013

『彫像もまた死す』 松本道人





Yamagata Rough Cut ! 10/11/2013

Yamagata Rough Cut ! ”Survival Confirmation”


Daily Bulletin Interview Photos 10/11/2013

Yamagata Manabikan まなび館 10/11/2013

Gallery Maki : Takashi Screenings 2005-2013 in Yamagata 1

International Competition Talk Photos 10/11/2013

The Other Day (Director : Ignacio Agüero )

「サンティアゴの扉」イグナシオ・アグエロ 監督 上映後の質疑応答

_DSC1621 Director : Ignacio Agüero _DSC1643

【10月12日スケジュール変更 / 12th October Schedule Correction】

●中止 Cancellation:
山形市中央公民館6F Central Public Hall
インターナショナル・コンペティション International Competition
10月12日13:45~ 12th October 13:45~
Q&A following Once I Entered a Garden has been cancelled.

●追加 Additional:
山形美術館1 Yamagata Museum of Art 1
ともにある Cinema with Us
10月12日14:50 ~
The Film shooted by the Souma High School will show before showing Dance of Reincarnation; Performed by Kesennuma High School Students.
12th October 14:50~

Due to heavy interests,screenigs may not be available:

山形市中央公民館6F Central Public Hall
インターナショナル・コンペティション International Competition
「殺人という行為」The Act of Killing 10月12日10:00~ 12th October 13:45~

フォーラム5 Forum5
アジア千波万波 New Asian Currents
「標的の村」The Targeted Village 10月12日12:10~ 12th October 12:10~

山形市民会館 小ホール Yamagata Citizens’ Hall (Small)
Memories of the Future Chris Marker’s Travel and Trials
Description of a Struggle The Kumiko Mystery 12th October 12:10~

Be Seeing You The Sixth Side of the Pentagon The Embassy 12th October 15:00~

10月12日Ustream 配信時間 Timetable


10月12日の配信予定時間割 Ustream Timetable


10時から11時30分頃まで クリス・マルケル特集関連 講演「猫頭の男」(エティエンヌ・サンドラン(ポンピドゥーセンター、キュレーター)

12時39分頃より インターナショナル・コンペティション「殺人という行為」監督質疑応答
13時10分頃より インターナショナル・コンペティション「殺人という行為」監督サロントーク

15時22分頃より インターナショナル・コンペティション「庭園に入れば」監督質疑応答
16時00分頃より インターナショナル・コンペティション「庭園に入れば」監督サロントーク

20時18分頃より インターナショナル・コンペティション「なみのこえ」監督質疑応答
20時50分頃より インターナショナル・コンペティション「なみのこえ」監督サロントーク



11時10分頃から ともにある Cinema with Us「A2-B-C」監督質疑応答

13時41分頃から アジア千波万波「標的の村」監督質疑応答

15時頃から17時頃まで 6つの眼差しと〈倫理マシーン〉「事例討論:フェアユース運動の画期的な成功」

16時24分頃より 「輪廻逆境の気仙沼高校ダンス部 ソノサキニ」監督質疑応答

17時37分より アジア千波万波「選ばれた物語」「SSS YAMAGATA mix」監督質疑応答

18時55分頃から ともにある Cinema with Us「夢を生きる ―テイラー・アンダーソン、津波の犠牲となった米国人英語教師―」監督質疑応答

19時30分頃から21時30分頃まで ヤマガタ・ラフカット!「voyage」会場討論の様子

21時20分頃から ともにある Cinema with Us「沿岸部の風景」監督質疑応答
22時31分頃から アジア千波万波「わたしたちに許された特別な時間の終わり」

Opening Ceremony Photos3 10/10/2013


yamagata station photos 2 10/10/2013

Opening Ceremony Photos2 10/10/2013

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