●中止 Cancellation:
山形市中央公民館6F Central Public Hall
インターナショナル・コンペティション International Competition
10月12日13:45~ 12th October 13:45~
Q&A following Once I Entered a Garden has been cancelled.

●追加 Additional:
山形美術館1 Yamagata Museum of Art 1
ともにある Cinema with Us
10月12日14:50 ~
The Film shooted by the Souma High School will show before showing Dance of Reincarnation; Performed by Kesennuma High School Students.
12th October 14:50~

Due to heavy interests,screenigs may not be available:

山形市中央公民館6F Central Public Hall
インターナショナル・コンペティション International Competition
「殺人という行為」The Act of Killing 10月12日10:00~ 12th October 13:45~

フォーラム5 Forum5
アジア千波万波 New Asian Currents
「標的の村」The Targeted Village 10月12日12:10~ 12th October 12:10~

山形市民会館 小ホール Yamagata Citizens’ Hall (Small)
Memories of the Future Chris Marker’s Travel and Trials
Description of a Struggle The Kumiko Mystery 12th October 12:10~

Be Seeing You The Sixth Side of the Pentagon The Embassy 12th October 15:00~